Dogs… Dogs…Dogs…

What an amazing animal! All we know dogs are human’s best friends in the past. Dogs
will always be with us once after we offer them true love. Always, they offer true love,
unconditionally without expecting anything. Having a relationship with dogs is a kind of relief for life. It is very comfortable, friendly, and such a relaxation for the mind. We have heard lots of stories about dogs. Their kindness, love, protecting children, helping people, etc. Also, have heard a lot of tragic stories about dogs who were in danger, stray dogs, abandoned dogs, lost dogs, dogs who lived on the streets, etc. Not always dogs’ stories are the same as happy. Most of the time those helpless animals need a hand to continue their lives.

Do all the time stories of dogs who once adapted are happy?

We haven’t heard many stories that talk about the life of dogs after the adoption. Whether
it is happy or not. Are every adapt animals living in a happy thinking about their new life? And there is a big No! Not every owners of adopted dogs are looking after their new companions properly. They don’t treat them as they agreed. Sometimes the stories of once-adopted dogs get worse even after the adoption. I’m sure we haven’t heard stories like those. We don’t talk about the life after the adoption. So we have to. Now we are going to talk about a story like that. But this one is not tragic. This heartwarming story is about a dog who was adopted from the shelter and now enjoys cycling with its owner.

Image Credits: WMUR


There is a man who lives in Manchester, New Hampshire named Michael Sexton, and he
is enjoying his life by staying with his dogs. He has three adopted dogs in his shelter. He looks after them, takes care of them spreads his love to them unconditionally. Also. His dog
companions are doing the same. And there is a big and unique something in between their relationship. Sometimes it may be something like understanding and taking care of each other. Michael is a good rider who had a motorbike that installed a sidecar. When Michael used that bike to ride one of the dogs can be the copilot of the bike who used the sidecar. Because of that unique habit, the relationship that had between them became unbreakable. Always enjoy riding when they can go for it. Taking leisurely drives down country roads on Sundays long trips or quick trips around town whenever possible, always looking forward to more exciting destinations ahead!

Image Credits: WMUR

B. B…

Michael has a friend named B.B. Michael brought B.B. seven years ago from Manchester
Animal Shelter. As their unique habit, Michael and B.B. were traveling at that time. People saw this incident and were amazed and started to talk about the thing they had seen. Because of that Michael and B.B. went viral through the internet.

B.B. was the rescue dog of Michael. The bond that had between B.B and Michael is
different than the bond that have other animals and owners. Everyone could realize that. When Michael ready for a ride and getting on the Harley Davidson the bike, B.B. sits in her seat in the sidecar very comfortably. She has nothing to worry about or scare. And also she had a nice goggles for her rides. And also, she likes to put it. Michael said that about it when memorizing the some trips that went on highway. According to Michael’s words she is enjoying the scenery during those adventures. And that’s why we said, they are having bond that different than others’.

To be continued…

Once B.B. was a dog who were looking for a kind owner. Michael is just like a beacon in
her life. Michael brought light to her life when he adopted B.B. Kindness of Michael changed
her life forever. Now she is enjoying her life with new owner. Can you imagine how lucky she is? That’s how love, kindness, and caring can makes changes in the world. This story proves how strong the relationships between animals and humans with kind and true love. As, all the times we talk, people who had kind heart can make changes in someone’s life forever. It can gives hopes to continue the life, whatever happens. Also, if you can show your kindness heart and offer true love, the animals who taking it will always be with you and it spread the love and kindness as the same unconditionally without expecting anything back.

This story is a best example for lots of things like kindness, trustworthy, true love and specially don’t give up on your life. As a saying by some people, there is always a rainbow even after a thunder storm.

“It also shows us that we should never give up hope when rescuing pets from shelters since one never knows where life will lead them next — even if it is riding a shotgun beside you on your motorbike.”


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