When talking about dogs, mainly we can identify several types of dogs according to their
living place. Stray dogs, Shelter dogs, and Adopted dogs are the types of some of them. Mostly stray dogs live in the street. Shelter dogs live in a foster house or a shelter house. Adopted dogs live in a house with their adorable owners. Among those types, the lives of shelter dogs and stray dogs are not happier than adopted dogs. And stray dogs’ lives are the worst. But also, the shelter dogs’ lives are not happier than imagined.

Considering the lives of shelter dogs and adopted dogs’ lives. Both of them have
permanent roofs to spend their lives. They are given food from time to time. They have
guardians, for adopted ones have owners. But not always their lives are happy the same.

A sheltered dog’s life can immensely improve when they get adopted by a loving human.
Though dogs receive care at shelters, it cannot compare to the level of care provided by a caring owner. Dogs miss out on spending time with their humans, going to their favorite places, exploring new things, and playing with them. Alexander, in this story, missed all those fantastic moments for over a year. However, his fate was not sealed in the shelter forever.

Wags and Walks…

Alexander’s story came from the shelter house named Wags and Walks which was
located in Los Angeles. Alexander is a 2 years old handsome boy who has been a resident at this shelter for 15 months. According to his papers, he is a Shepherd/Doberman-crossed dog. Also, the shelter house thought there was a Dane inside Alexander. The Facebook
post posted by Wags and Walks shelter house said that Alexander was an adorable
dog who weighed 80 pounds. It was just like a little gentle giant. He was rescued by Wags
and Walks from a crowded shelter where his life was at risk. He was affectionate, eager to
learn, and was working on his leash skills.

Image Credits: Wags and Walks

No one wants Alexander…

Alexander’s had grown within the shelter premises. He played with his companions and
enjoyed their lives together. But unfortunately, he missed the love and caring feeling of a loving owner for more than one year. But his friends left the premises and also Alexander when they were adopted by someone. That made him sad. When his companions left him, he could only see the people with his sad eyes. That moment was just like begging the people to,

“Please take me too with my friends.”

The sad thing is, that more than 800 dogs were adopted by people when Alexander was at the Shelter. But no one wanted to adopt Alexander yet. It was a very tragic thing for everyone. Shelter owners tried to find an owner to take Alexander home.

New Family for Alexander…

Chloe Esperiquette, who is the development manager at Wags and Walks, expressed her
sadness about the situation of Alexander. He had been waiting for a long time, even though it was not his fault. She said that it had been a difficult and heartbreaking experience for everyone at Wags. They always tried to find an owner for Alexander. However, one day, something changed.

Image Credits: Wags and Walks

The miraculous day came. On January 27th, a wonderful couple made the decision to
adopt Alexander. The adorable dog had been residing at the Wags and Walks shelter for 477 days. It was a really long time for a shelter dog. This news was exciting for everyone at Wags and Walks, especially for Alexander. The dog had been eagerly waiting for a family to take him home. He was waiting for a moment like for a long time. Finally, after all this time, Alexander had found his forever home. What a lovely moment in his life. That’s why there is a saying, don’t give up on your life whatever happened.

Wags and Walks Shelter recently shared some great news on their Instagram page. They
announced that one of their dogs, who had been waiting for a home for 477 days, has finally found an adoption trial with a loving and caring family. The shelter expressed their gratitude towards the community and everyone who supported them in making this happen. That news thrilled their audience. After that, Alexander could continue his life by leaving the shelter house to a new house with a lovely family. We hope now he is fine with his new owners.

Everyone deserves a lovely life teaming up with happiness. When talking about animals,
especially dogs… doesn’t matter where stay is, it may be on a street corner, a shelter house, or a home with its human owners. They are always looking for a kind, true, caring, and unconditionally loving relationship till the end of their lives. For that, they will always be with us forever, whatever the cost. Spread your love unconditionally to those, who are looking for it…



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