All the living species in the world need relationships in their lives. To share things like
happiness, sadness, feelings, etc. Also, relationships are an important turning point in our life. Relationships are just not limited to humans — also, animals have various relationships with humans and other animals. The best example is dogs. They are naturally born with true love, friendship, and loyalty. And can deeply trust them.

The relationships with dogs are very comfortable, and friendly, and can feel their loyalty
to them. They are always with us until they die. The only thing they want is a true caring
relationship. Dogs will do anything for that, whatever the cost. Today here comes a story to
prove how strong their bonds are and how incredibly kind-hearted people. And, I should tell you, whatever the past they went true, doesn’t matter they will always take a special place in our hearts and our homes. Just like a family member.

Image Credits: The Dodo

Friends Forever…

As all we know, true best friends ever can’t be broken. They will never be apart from
their lives. Sometimes they may have to live at a distance. But, from their hearts, they will
always stick together. And also. We know a lot of saying about true friendship and a lot of
examples of that. For the two dogs who live in the street in today’s story, it was impossible to stay apart from them. That’s how their relationship was strong. One of them is white and another one is black. They might think no one could notice their relationship, but always they could catch the eyes of neighbors.

These dogs were so lucky. The neighbors around them were filled with kind-hearted.
They looked after these poor creatures. Dogs stayed there for days. But unfortunately, they
looked like in trouble. Neighbors worried about these puppies. They provide them with food, and drinks for five days. But the situation hadn’t changed. They didn’t leave each other or even the place they stayed. Always they were huddling with each other next to the sidewalk and waiting for something or someone. And, it was the only thing they were doing in those days.

Image Credits: The Dodo

The Rescue Woman…

The lucky time for dogs came. Neighbors had informed about the dogs to rescue a
woman. Her name was Suzette Hall and she wasn’t an ordinary woman. She has a non–profit organization Logan’s Legacy. And she is the founder of it. She took care of dogs who were abandoned and were in danger. She was doing that for his late son. So, when the neighbors informed her that dogs would lay on top of each other at night to sleep, she surely was not going to leave them behind that street corner. She had felt that she was the destiny of those dogs.

The Rescue Mission…

When Suzette quickly went there, the place where the dogs were, she wanted to figure
out what was happening with the dogs. She tried to figure out, how she could catch those dogs separating from each other without scaring and hurting them. It was not that easy for the rescue team. Suzette could gain their trust by offering them some tasty food. Finally, she could catch a dog from their safety by doing a safe trap. But it took about two hours to catch another one safely. And actually, it was done with the other dog’s help.

The rescue woman attached a smart trap to the dog that was caught earlier. She put the
still loose dog in a crate inside her trap. The dog in the trap called for another one. Surprisingly the dog ran over without thinking twice and without hesitating. The dog couldn’t leave the family that it only had. It couldn’t leave its friend. That might be a heartwarming moment for everybody who was gathered there and helped with the rescue mission. That was a real-life example of a true relationship.

Image Credits: The Dodo

Together again…

The rescuers tried to put those puppies in two different crates in her car. But it was not
like that. The dogs couldn’t be without each other. They wanted see each other by their own eyes. Quickly, she realized that. She could see how much they wanted each other. So, the only thing that could do was to let them out of their cages. The puppies were thrilled and sat together. All said that no one would and could believe how much their tails wagged when she let them out. They could not wait to be together, she said.

Image Credits: The Dodo

Introducing Pasta and Pepsi…

After that, these little buddies got named. They are Pepsi and Pasta. There wasn’t anyone
who knew where puppies came from… Perhaps they lived in the same house? Or perhaps they lived on the same street? Or maybe they met each other by chance and decided that fate brought them together. They are the only had each other when times were tough and rough. So that would change whatever happened anymore, even though they were not on the street corner.

Image Credits: The Dodo

Unbreakable Bond…

Unfortunately, they had health problems, and since that, they had to stay at the vet’s
office until they got better. After everything, their only hope is to stay together and have a lovely foster home for them. Suzette insisted that Pepsi and Pasta had to stay together and be adopted together. If they separated, it would break their hearts.

Those puppies were so lucky to have a foster-like Suzette. If it was not for her, these poor
puppies would still be waiting on the street corner for their family to come back.



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