In our lives, we have experienced so many feelings at various moments. Love and
kindness are always taking a special place in those in our lives. It can make lots of changes in our lives. Can be healed, felt, etc. Also, we can see that in the world of animal rescue. We can see how animals wait for a better life with their own stories and challenges.

All we have a right to feel love same as we give love. Even animals. They are holding
their unique tragedy story under their tough skin. But always they have the hope to feel love and happiness. Sometimes people label those animals as aggressive animals. But they are not like that. Because they want the love same as us. Today, I brought you here a story that tells, one loving touch can change everything.

Life of a strayed dog…

If a dog is strayed, it is a tragedy for its life. Its life is so hopeless and lonely. The only
thing they can do is dream of a good life in a home. Most times strayed dogs don’t feel love from people. They are helpless all the time. They have to face lots of unexpected things in their lives. Because of these unexpected experiences, they always live in scared and untrusting. Sometimes that will affect their lives forever, even if they get rescued. It is very hard to erase the scars of their past. But it is not impossible. This was the story about Magnolia.

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Magnolia is a Belgian Malinois once scared strayed dog. It was living in the streets
before he brought the Napa Country Animal Shelter in California. Sometimes the scared
situations of dogs change after an environmental change like that. Do you think that same thing happened to Magnolia? Unfortunately, it didn’t. Her situation got a little bit worse and she acted aggressively and negatively in her new place.

Struggles of Magnolia…

Magnolia acted like she was shocked. She barked and tried to bite the staff of the rescue
shelter. So decided to keep her in a cage for weeks. Because control the situation. They couldn’t keep it in the shelter, because the shelter was house full. Also, it was risky for to Magnolia put down there. The shelter staff had a hard time interacting with her or feeding her.

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Asking for help…

The staff couldn’t control the situation anymore. But also, they wanted to help the dog.
So they decided to ask for help from an expert. The staff called a specialist named Saharai
Salazar. She specializes in helping dogs to overcome fear and aggression, to solve this problem. She was just not a doctor. She was the founder of Wolfmother K9 Rescue Services. Magnolia showed the same aggression toward Saharai without a change and tried to bite through the kennel fence when their first meetup. But Saharai realized more than just the aggressive behavior from her experience.

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Saharai expressed that: She is trying to bite me whenever I put my hand on the kennel.
But this is not truly what she is. She added more, this behavior is just not come from the inside and, it is just like a cry for help. Saharai said that it is really important to find the true soul of every dog.

Understanding the Magnolia…

Magnolia was in fear, So Saharai wanted to earn her trust to help them. Saharai started to
feed her chicken nuggets through the kennel wiring. But that way had some progress. Magnolia closed to Saharai a bit more before quickly running away. Saharai could realize that was a clue that the way getting better. It seemed that ceasing the aggression of Magnolia.

Through time Magnolia began to change. She started to come outside from the kennel to
visit Saharai and spend more time with her. That was a plus point for all. She gifted toys to
Saharai from the inside of her kennel. She showed that she wanted all the time. To make the connection.

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The Changed of Magnolia…

Soon after, Magnolia started to wag her tail when she saw Saharai. Magnolia ran and
gave her big always when she saw Saharai. And it made everyone surprised. Saharai could
express to everyone what was happening with Magnolia. Also, she mentioned that sometimes that doesn’t happen often like, Magnolia’s change. Fortunately, this time just being Magnolia with patience, understanding, and kindness makes that difference. That’s how kindness makes changes in the world.

She is ready for out…

Finally, Saharai realized Magnolia was ready to go outside. So she took her on her first
walk outside. Also Magnolia could start a good friendship with Saharai’s fiancé. Now Magnolia is fine with each other. She began to spend her time with the staff of the shelter and volunteers.

Magnolia started filling her life with happiness through the time. She started to live again
with joy. Everyone said that she was joyful with her new attention. She started to trust in humans again. She loved the belly rubs that were given by people. Magnolia’s change made them surprise. She was a completely different dog, they added more.

Image Credits: YouTube

Finding a new home for Magnolia…

Saharai and the shelter staff continued the work with Magnolia’s change. They took her
for various things like hiking, camping, etc. Magnolia enjoyed that thing with a big happy dog smile.

They could find a foster home for Magnolia forever in Los Angeles thanks to everyone’s
effort. Her new parents Andrew and Evelyn, completely fell in love with the sweet dog. Now she is playing with her new dog siblings and she has a new life with teeming life.


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