As all we know, dogs have been the humans’ closest and best friends for a long time.
People have an unexplainable bond with dogs other than that animal. Because of their endless love, trust, and loyalty. They can hold a very special place in our lives. Also, unfortunately, some dogs have gotten abandoned and live on the streets. Not just because humans don’t want them. They are just a bit unlucky.

There are a lot of places for dogs like that, made by humans. Just to protect and
provide a shelter for dogs that are abandoned and in danger. Every animal that lives in those places has their own story and always they are hoping for a better life full of happiness.

When humans are walking around their cages, the dogs are asking to take them from
here by their eyes. If you can go through a moment like that, sure it will warm your heart and could wet your eyes. They are trying to prove to us they are the most suitable companion for us. But not all the time their hopes got brighter. Most of the time they have to go back to the corner and hide their hopes behind the metal strings. Today we are going to tell you, how love can change the life of a dog forever.

Image Credits: True & Faithful Pet Rescue Mission

A bunch of 12 Chihuahuas…

Dogs are all with us whatever the cost. They are only hoping for a true loving and
caring bond from us for everything. But sometimes, dog owners don’t care much about their animals. This is a story like that and it hurts them more than anything. The owner that I’m going to tell you had 12 older Chihuahuas. He kept them inside for years and couldn’t make a positive interaction with the dogs.

After the late of his owner, it began to get better their lives. They didn’t know what was
going to happen to them. After that, they lived in a local shelter in Miami. Their old house
was not a happy place to live. They had stayed there hungry and scared, even though they
hadn’t a proper time to go outside or happy playtime. They had to live without their basic
need. It was a bitter and tough age for them

New shelter for Chihuahuas

After the late of his owner, the shelter contacted True & Faithful Pet Rescue Mission
to take them in. The team warmly welcomed them all to their place in Venice, Florida. When the team got there, they realized there was something different with those dogs. They were very scared and stuck together huddling with each other when they were trying to rescue them.

The rescue team got that when they got there, those dogs were not socialized with
people and received any kindness for their lives. They were scared a lot, they didn’t know
how to act with humans, and they were frozen and shook their legs at even a small action that was taken by the team. Lisa Letson the president and the founder of True & Faithful Pet Rescue Mission mentioned that “When they picked up the Chihuahuas, most of them were very squirmy and uncomfortable in their arms.” Also, she added that most of them were not

mage Credits: True & Faithful Pet Rescue Mission

in good condition, they froze because of fear, and their legs were sticking out, locked up,
their toes were spreading apart, and their eyes bulging.

The joy of freedom…

After everything rescuers wanted to give them some sunlight, fresh air, and grass for
their tiny feet. But they had never been outside before in their lives. They were scared at that time. The feeling when they touched grass made them nervous. They all got together on the cement floor and huddled with each other. This moment made all of them shock and could break their hearts

There was a brave Chihuahua in the gang. He decided to take and try this opportunity.
He came down from the cement floor and began walking on the grass. That scene made
others confused. Also, they wanted to do the same and feel the same. All came to the grass field. And they walked and searched the area. After they confirmed there was no tragedy for them, they were thrilled. They were enjoying their freedom. They wagged their tails and ran around the field. And, at that moment Lisa was so happy and got wet her eyes.

Image Credits: True & Faithful Pet Rescue Mission

New Life is teeming with happiness…

True love can make turning points in anyone’s life. Also, this change made a turning
point in Chihuahuas’ life. Finally, they could find the real and simple happiness in their lives. They went through from sadness to happiness. After they played, the rescue staff took them inside and gave them a good shower, trimmed their nails, and cleaned their ears. And they give a small dental treatment for Chihuahuas

Image Credits: True & Faithful Pet Rescue Mission

Making the trust with patience and affection…

Unfortunately, the dogs’ past affected them for a long time. They are still scared of
humans. They were shaking when they saw humans and they tried to avoid contact with
humans. But still, rescue staff wanted to help them more, because they were poor and
helpless and some of them were feral.

The dogs started to change slowly. It may take a long time, but it is the right way
because there had a progress in the action that they took to recover the dogs. The staff gave them gentle care and comfortable touches to the Chihuahuas. It helped to overcome their fear of the outside world. The shy dogs, scared ones closed slowly. Someone did let cuddle them. It boosted the staff’s hope. As Letson said, they could only show them what life should have been like through gentle care and love. These innocent dogs deserve nothing less she added.

To the new beginning…

When the time came, for the dogs to be adopted, the rescue team managed their selves
to find and choose the right owner for them. They checked that the owners knew how to
manage a bond with unsocial or feral dogs. They wanted to give loving and everything they
needed to grow and be happy.

It didn’t take a long time to choose the right owner for the dogs. Now they are
enjoying their selves with their new owners. They are running, wagging their tails, and
playing with their new family members in their gardens. Now, there ain’t anything to afraid
of. Now they have the lives that they deserve.

That’s how love can change someone’s life foreve


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