Life is full of mysteries and a lot of differences. We can see that everywhere in our
lives. Even the animals in street corners. Those animals are living with fear about their lives. They always fight to protect their lives and stay alive. Even the moment that can’t be turned back changed. Can’t we find something like an inspiring story from their lives?

I think we can

There are lots of stories that we can get to our lives related to animals like those.
Those stories show us how strong those animals are, in and out. But the most surprising thing is how the power of love and care combine with these stories. Here comes a story of hope, strength, and happiness from a kind-hearted person who changes an animal’s life

Image Credits: The Dodo

Little Suki …

Like most street dogs’ stories Suki’s was the same tragedy. She was left alone on the
streets. She had no one to look after. She was very scared and didn’t have an idea about what was going to happen. She never had enough food, drink warm place to sleep, and she didn’t even have someone to get comfortable with her nights. It seemed her future was already gone.

Suki was a tiny little helpless puppy. How could a puppy like that survive in a
situation like this? Suki’s situation got worse moment by moment. She didn’t know what to
do. She couldn’t find food even more. The only thing that she can do is closing eyes and wait for the next worst moment in her life.

Image Credits: The Dodo

The angle of the hope…

How life is a miracle? It was a surprising thing. A stopped nearby and talked to the
little puppy. Two kind-hearted people came to rescue her. They were animal-loving activists
Brady Oliveira and Alex Blumberg. They were famous for rescuing animals who were in
trouble everywhere. They do not stop that and they share the stories of their rescues on a
platform called Running Back to the Rescue by The Dodo. That’s how life is a miracle, Suki
was lucky enough to meet them on their vacation in the Far East.

Image Credits: The Dodo

A tiny puppy…

They felt huge sadness when they saw it on the street corner. There wasn’t anyone
who saw that little helpless life. Suki gave up on her hopes and she was too tired. They
picked up this tiny little puppy to make her more comfortable. She was covered in ticks and
fleas. She was malnourished and dehydrated because she hadn’t eaten for days. And she
could barely keep her eyes open. Brady realized she was still alive and they hurried to take
her to the vet.

It was just like someone had left this animal like trash. No one cared about this little puppy
until they took into it. She was light and weighed only about 2.5lbs because she hadn’t eaten for days. They guessed she was about 2 months older. And that weight was less than for a pup at that age. They gave her the name Suki. The vet that Suki would be okay, after some emergency treatment. That Suki’s story shows us how life is a miracle. At the last-minute rescue shows, even in the toughest situations, there is always hope for a second chance. That’s how we can inspired by a story like that.

Image Credits: The Dodo

Suki is getting better…

Brady and Alex kept Suki until she got better. Suki had a tough beginning in her life.
Fortunately, with some good foods, drinks, and medicines she got better. Also, the true love
that comes from kind-hearted people helps to Suki for getting better. She was getting filled
with energy again. She had a very funny life and crazy habits for her life that used to enjoy
her life. Brady said she was one crazy little dog.

After a few years, Suki’s energy level peaked level. She was the star of Brady and
Alex’s house. There wasn’t a way to make Suki tired. She was teeming with happiness about her new life. She loved to play with toys. The Brady couple decided to bring more two puppies for Suki. Their names were Zoey and Bodhi. They helped Suki to waste more energy by playing with them. Suki was their teacher and she taught them to play with toys and to be good puppies. It was one of the funniest habits used by Suki. After that Bodhi and Zoey got adopted. However, the lessons taught by Suki helped them to be good puppies and be more comfortable and good pets with their new owners.

Image Credits: The Dodo

Suki’s new owners

Now Suki’s situation is better. Because of the hard work taken by Bradly and Alex.
They could find a new owner for Suki. Suki’s new family loved her funniest and craziest
moments. Thanks to the Bradly couple now Suki is a part of a big family. A pup, once no
one wanted or cared about, now getting enough love and care. She has everything now.

Think about that story, that’s how life is supposed to be. That’s how we can inspired
by a story like that. There is always a chance to win life even the toughest situations. That’s why there is a saying like: Always there is a rainbow after every thunderstorm.


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